L4 Electroblade (21)Full unit name: L4 Electroblade
Last updated: 07.09.2024 0:16:03
Navigation (4)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Known Facts (102)
Elixir of Power (1) »
The Face of the Enemy (1) »
Hunter's Eye (1) »
Clear Out Tythos Ridge (1) »
Rajivari's Legacy (1) »
Clear Out the Forge (1) »
The Forge (1) »
Keshk's Last Stand (2) »
Horranth Control (1) »
The Arrival (1) »
Esseles incident (1) »
Dark Tidings (1) »
Raid on Emperor's Glory (1) »
Crisis in Galactic City (1) »
Bringing Down the Hammer (Republic) (1) »
Bringing Down the Hammer (2) »
Secret Signals (1) »
Republic's Most Wanted (1) »
The Senator's Stolen Goods (1) »
For Better or Worse (1) »
Cantina Contusions (2) »
Peace is a Lie (1) »
The Politics of Dissent (1) »
Rebuilding Coruscant (1) »
Hydrosupply Leak (1) »
Follow the Money (1) »
The Flow of Goods (1) »
The Freightskippers (1) »
The Face Merchants (1) »
The Pickup (1) »
Boom (1) »
The Coming Darkness (1) »
Partial Eclipse (1) »
Secret Passages (1) »
Shadows (1) »
Ugnaught Saboteurs (1) »
White Noise (1) »
Justicar Injustice (1) »
Trouble in Deed (1) »
A Diverting Assignment (1) »
Killed in Custody (1) »
Ancient Secrets (1) »
Power Outage (1) »
Planetary Checkup (1) »
Meltdown (1) »
Core Dump (1) »
Enemy Droid-Machines (1) »
Enemies of the Republic (1) »
Core Complications (1) »
Insult to Injury (1) »
Reconstruction Efforts (1) »
The Expedition (1) »
Fall of the Locust (1) »
Reclaiming What's Ours (2) »
Prized Possessions (1) »
Beyond Redemption (1) »
Wake of the Spire (1) »
Fallen Stars (1) »
The Corpse Counters (1) »
Legacy of Death (1) »
Pirate Medicine (1) »
Last Battle of the Endar Spire (1) »
Burial Grounds (1) »
The Junction (1) »
Catalyst (1) »
AWOL (1) »
Total Elimination (1) »
Mission to the ChemWorks Factory (1) »
Supplies and Demands (1) »
Rakghoul Invasion (1) »
Super Reactor (1) »
The Archive (1) »
Rakghoul Release (1) »
Chasing History (1) »
Mission to Transport Station 5 (1) »
Blaster Brothers Rescue Mission (1) »
More Reconstruction Efforts (1) »
Mission to the Northeast Tularan Region (3) »
Missing Link (2) »
Making Trouble (1) »
Future Threat (1) »
The Thrill of Discovery (1) »
Power Flux (1) »
The Loudest Bait (1) »
Operation Salvage (1) »
Disease on a Distant World (1) »
Suicide Mission (1) »
Indelicate Operation (1) »
When Diplomacy Fails (1) »
Armed and Dangerous (1) »
One Fell Swoop (1) »
Slave Raiding (1) »
Blood Money (1) »
Strike the Mountain Asunder (1) »
Shore Leave (1) »
See also
Organizations that used this weapon or equipment
Black Sun
Achitan's Refugees
Advozse Hegemony
Flesh Raider Forces
Barsen'thor's Followers
Tython Jedi Duo
Republic Operatives
Joint Strike Team
Characters who used this weapon or equipment
Qyzen Fess
Droid models that used this weapon or equipment
ROGUE-A01 Assassin Droid
Sentient species who used this weapon or equipment
Flesh Raider
Complete list

Full unit name: L4 Electroblade Last updated: 07.09.2024 0:16:03